Corrupted Blood

A Stealth-Driven Capstone

Set in a corrupt theocracy of a dystopian world, Corrupted Blood is a stealth game where the player must put an end to the government's distorted leaders and give power back to the people. As our final capstone project at Full Sail University, our team would make this game from start to finish in 4 months as a group of game design students. For this project, I was one of the main level designers of this game, while also making some smaller mechanics and systems on the side.



The Poor Area is a lower city slum area recently re-taken by military control to enforce more crude laws onto the common folk. In this level, the player’s objective is to help some city locals, while also obtaining intel from an ally informant on where to go next for their main mission. Parkour through abandoned buildings, sneak onto a train, and solve riddles to complete your objective for the rebellion.


Final Blockmesh

With our game being based on the amazing first-person stealth game Dishonored, I took a lot of inspiration from their level design and thematics when making my own levels. I also took a lot of inspiration from historical sections of the city of Richmond, Virginia, taking pictures on a school break and bringing them back to Florida with me as a reference. All levels are in their blockmesh stage appearance due to the team being made solely of designers and our professor telling us to work more on the design itself and not asset integration.



While each team member made two levels of their own, we had to cut a lot of them out due to time constraints and scope. This left us with only three levels in the end, with one of mine, the Poor Area, making it to the final game as the first level players enter after the tutorial! However, one map that didn’t make it in that I made was the Cathedral, a level in which you must eliminate the three popes of the church as your final mission for the rebellion. This level featured many ways to get around the map vertically, while also allowing the player to eliminate the popes in any order they wanted to.



Each member made a solid amount of mechanics for the game, however, we assigned each member to focus on certain parts of the design such as level and gameplay to complete tasks more quickly. As one of the main Level Designers, I made two mechanics compared to other members who worked on bigger systems such as combat and movement. I also implemented all of the Main Menu UI/UX and created a majority of the UI art in-game.



In the end, we left this game with a lot of experience and as our final goodbye from Full Sail University. While we had our struggles, as a team of solely game designers we got far, and I am very proud of everything I put into the game especially when it came to the levels.


Reap What's Been Sown


The Forgotten Ruins